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parenting workshop

Conscious Parenting
Building The Bond






Workshops and Private Parenting Counseling

that will help you learn to communicate in ways that will

inspire confidence, build self-esteem

and encourage responsibility in your children






I am currently scheduling remote and in-person Workshops and private sessions. Email today to book or request a free 15-minute introductory session.  


Create a bond with your child based on communication and trust


Help your child when they express feelings of frustration or anger without escalating conflict


Encourage cooperation and Set appropriate limits without yelling, nagging, bribing and punishing

Stop yelling start connecting



A celebrated workshop series based on

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,

                the best-selling parenting book by Faber and Mazlish.

What the Sessions Cover - How to meet them where they are.  

The goal of the  workshop is to give practical, effective methods of communication that will make your relationship with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding.  You'll learn how to foster an atmosphere of love and respect and resolve family conflicts peacefully. 

Helping Children Deal With Their Feelings

Exploration of what happens to children when their feelings are constantly denied.  Learn how to meet your child where they are and instead of fixing or dismissing their reality, use specific skills to help your child cope and persevere. Help them recognize and deal with their negative feelings of disappointment, envy, frustration, resentment, and anger.  Once we acknowledge their reality, we can then coach them through it.


Engaging Cooperation

How children react to the usual methods to get them to cooperate: threats, warnings, orders, lecturing, etc.  Ways to invite cooperation that will leave parents and children feeling good about themselves and each other.  Ways to foster intrinsic motivation so that they are cooperating because they want to. 


Alternatives to Punishment

Is it necessary to rely on punishment as a means of discipline?  How to move away from the threats and bribes. Some alternatives to punishment that enable parents to express their strong disapproval as well as encourage children to assume responsibility for their behavior. 


Encouraging Autonomy

Ways to help children become separate, responsible people who can one day function on their own.  Skills that help children to develop their own inner resources.



An Exploration of the kids of praise that build a positive and realistic self-image and the kinds that do not.  Ways to help our children become aware of their strengths so that they can put them into action.


Freeing Children from Playing Roles 

A look at how children are sometimes cast into roles (bully, whiner, dawdler, mischief-maker, etc.) and how we can free them from playing out these roles.  Skills that you can use to help children see themselves in a different and more positive light.


Siblings Without Rivalry Workshop

based on the NY Times Best Selling Book by Adel Faber and Elaine Mazlish

A 5 week Workshop where you'll learn how to respond helpfully when children fight and argue.  You'll be able to promote an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competition.  With your guidance, your children will develop skills that will help them in all aspects of communication throughout their lives.


         What the Sessions cover


  • Helping Siblings Deal With Their Feelings About Each Other.  What happens to your children when their hostile feelings to each other are denied or simply aren't addressed?  We'll cover four specific methods for helping children express their negative feelings to each other without causing harm. 

  • Keeping Children Separate and Unequal.  How Siblings react when compared to each other- favorably or unfavorably.  Effective alternatives to comparisons.  Ways to treat your children uniquely and fair without focusing on treating them "equally".

  • Siblings in Roles.  Why children are often cast by others and by each other into different roles.  A look at how powerfully these roles affect their relationship with each other.  skills that free each child to become his or her whole self. 

  • When Kids Fight.  What to do when the fighting breaks out.  An exploration of the commonly used strategies that can often backfire.   Introducing new skills to reduce the rage and motivate children to work on their own solutions.

  • Problem Solving.  A method for helping children deal with big or re-occurring problems they can't work out on their own.  A simple approach for parents and kids that moves them toward resolving their own conflicts. 


Parenting Coach and Workshop Facilitator

Monique Rodrigue 

Founder, Building The Bond


A mother of two children living in New York City. Monique runs Parenting Workshops based on the How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk and Siblings Without Rivalry Series of books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.  She also offers specific Workshops for moms and dads of Tweens/Teens and separate Dad Workshops.  She is available for private and group Parenting Coaching as well.


Monique has done Seminars for New York City Public and Private Schools and Preschools and at the New York Times.  She works with parents in the tri-state area.  Inquire about bringing a Seminar to your school or work. 


Remote Group Sessions

  The cost of books and materials is included

makeups available 


How To Talk So Kids Will Listen - Parenting 101   

These Workshops Are Ongoing

Location: Remote   




This is the most important thing you can do for your Family.  Learn how to intrinsically motivate your kids and why you should be parenting them that way.  Threats, Time outs, and privilege revoking are not long-term solutions.  This Workshop will cover it all and you will leave empowered and with a handle on how to avoid the power struggles and how to deal with the meltdowns!




Remote Drop-in Session

sign up for the next Group Q&A  session

Inquire here







Additional Specialized Workshops Can Be Privately Organized 

Inquire Here






this is a follow-up to the initial How To Talk So Kids Will Listen Workshop for Moms, Dads, or Caregivers with an interest in how to manage relationships among Siblings or Children and their friends.






If you have questions, would like more information, or want to when the next workshop is scheduled here, please email me 


Personal Sessions

One on One
Currently scheduling Zoom or Facetime sessions

Book a private session for in-depth work on specific issues and conflicts going on in the home right now.  With the little free time we have, a one hour consult can help get your family back on track and make your home a more peaceful place. 


Whether it is sibling fighting getting out of control or constant battling to get your kids to listen, figure out why things aren't working and get specific answers on how to make things better.  Figure out how to stop the conversations from escalating into arguments, how to manage getting homework done without the battles or how to stop every situation with your toddler from turning into a power struggle.  One on one or together with your partner, we will take a look at the dynamics that make getting day to day cooperation seem unattainable. 


This option can work as a follow up to a Workshop you've already taken or if devoting yourself to a weekly workshop just doesn't work with your schedule. Discuss specific scripts you can go to and strengthen your relationship with your kids.  Life should be fun.  Getting through the day should not be a chore. 


These tools are simple but incredibly difficult to implement and sometimes seem counter-intuitive to the "fix it" mentality of parents.  Take a step towards making your family a happier one. 

Big Brother Soccer
"The thing that got me in the door was that I used to be a huge privilege revoker.  Having three children and always trying to raise them right, I didn't know of any other way.
This class has taught me so much and changed the way I parent.  Three months after I took the class, my kids casually mentioned ' Hey mom, you don't yell anymore.'
It has been a saving grace for our family unit and really lai the foundation for a good communication platform that has continued to work as my children get older."
Jessica (Mom of 3 ages 8-14)
"I think this workshop should be obligatory when you have a baby.  I have never had so many aha moments."
Marc (Dad of 3, ages 9-13)

Get In Touch- to register or inquire

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